Little Tikes Giggly Gears Move ‘N’ Mow Playset Review

The Little Tikes Giggly Gears Move ‘N’ Mow is the perfect toy for your child if they love to imitate everything you do.  When you are using the vacuum cleaner or the lawn mower they love to pretend that they are using those same appliances as well.  That being said, the Little Giggly Gears Move ‘N’ Mow Playset is the ideal gift for your little one.

little tikes giggly gears move n mow

It is ideal for a child who has just started to learn to walk, or even is in the process of learning how to maintain a standing position as they slowly evolve from the crawling position.  So basically, if your little one is at least 9 months or older then this toy mower is a perfect choice.

The toy is already pre-assembled and there are no batteries that are required.  In addition to the toy lawn mower there are also a set of colorful gears that are included that can be placed on little plastic spindles that are located on the top of the lawn mower as well as by the handle.  The gears can interconnect with each other and they spin around when the mower is pushed along the ground.

In the center of the plastic lawn mower there is a collection of colored plastic beads which are safely secured within a transparent plastic dome that also spins around, when the mower is being pushed, while making a “whirring” noise designed to give you kid hours of mowing fun.

There is even a draw string with a nice chunky plastic handle on the end that your toddler can pull to imitate the attempt of starting a real lawn mower.

What I love about this toy from a safety perspective is the fact that there are no detachable parts that could be a choking hazard and it is a very robust toy which can be safely dropped onto the ground without breaking.

It is also very light too, so it is easy for your little 20 pound, walking bundle of joy to carry there little mower or vacuum cleaner around the house.

I also did a video review of the Little Tikes Giggly Gears Move ‘N’ Mow Playset below that you can watch as well. You can also click here to buy your little toy mower from Amazon.