How To Make Videos That Resonate With Your Target Audience

If you want to be successful online in the Internet marketing space you need to know how to make videos that your target audience want to see.  In the realm of  of Internet Marketing, one of the more effective product sales instruments that you could have within your strategy are videos. If you take the time to assemble an incredible video clip and you post it to a popular video platform like YouTube and you also set and forget it, that video will be able to work on your behalf while you do the things that you really like, like spending time with your family, for example.  As long as you have taken the time to define the key message that you want your video to convey, be it a product review or a “how to” video, that video will sell for your benefit almost for ever.

how to make videos

However, the million dollar question is “when learning how to make videos how can you ensure that your audience will love watching them? ”

Folks often invest a great deal of time and money into the bells and whistles when making videos.  They would put a lot of effort into creating that incredible sound track and visually stunning graphics. Unfortunately that is just the icing on the cake as it does not really differentiate your video from the masses who can easily create those same cool sound tracks and graphics in their videos.  In reality, the real factor for success come from the quality of the raw video clip. In other words, it all depends upon the material which comes from your own mouth and what’s even more essential is the way you speak and your body language when on digital camera.

So, let’s look a bit more closely at what you would have to do to make your videos compelling to the point where you can draw in your audience:

Ensure that you have a great group of keywords – If you can find keywords that lots of people are using in their search where there is low competition then you should definitely use them to ensure that you see lots and lots of traffic going to your videos. Once you publish them in You tube you will discover a tag section from the video clip information where you could enter those keywords.

Ensure that your main keyword is in the fist sentence of your video – If you say the main keyword in your first sentence in your video that helps get your video ranked in the video search engine when that keyword is used in the search activity, Mention in your first sentence in your video your main keywords – I am not sure why this works but apparently it does -.

Ensure that you have great lighting – When creating your videos ensure that you have proper lighting.  Ideally if you have a room that gets flooded with natural light that would be ideal.  However, if you are like most of us you will still need to get a set of soft indoor lighting equipment. There are many kits available in online stores like Amazon that range from a couple of dollars to hundreds of dollars.

how to make videos

Have an appropriate background that is related to your video topic – If you have posters of half naked girls in the background of your videos and you want to know why people are not subscribing to your channel then maybe you should get rid of those posters and have a decent and simple background.  Depending on your target audience, it is a great idea to get a backdrop that they can connect with for it will help these to connect and relate to your video content – which is very important and is also a great way to help enhance your individual brand.

That being said, let’s look at an example.  If you are generating video reviews on video game consoles you can have a shelf in your backdrop packed with old school game consoles. Another example is when you are creating product review videos on radio controlled model cars.  If you are planning on targeting RC (Radio controlled) car fanatics then perhaps a shelf lined with radio controlled automobiles would be a great idea.

These are some best practices when it comes to learning how to make videos, and not just any ordinary videos, but compelling videos that can really connect with your target audience.