Highly Recommended Games for the iPad Pro

ipad pro

Games for the iPad Pro – If you are looking for some great looking games for the iPad Pro then you are in the right place.  One of the best selling features of the Apple iPad Pro is its sheer size. I mean, this thing is huge! This makes this version of iPad perfect for playing lots and lots of video games. The iPad Pro has a gigantic 12.9 inch screen with bukt in retina technology which makes games look gorgeous on this vivid screen.

games for the ipad pro

Yes, the iPad Pro is ideal as a productivity tool and it is also great for artists and designers alike, but I really love to use this device to play my favorite Apple games. If you have a portable slate that comes with a powerful graphics processor and has a large high resolution screen it makes for a great gaming device.

Get the iPad Pro Smart Keyboard from Amazon here.
Get your Apple Pencil from Amazon here.

In the video below, I show off some of my favorite games that I recently downloaded from the Apple App Store.  If you want to see some more games for the iPad Pro then checkout our blog post here.  Enjoy!