3DS Carry Case Featuring The Nintendo Game Boy Review

When I saw this Nintendo 3DS carry case I knew that I had to get my hands on one. Why? you may ask. Well, the answer is quite simple – it looks like a Game Boy! It has been a couple of years since the Nintendo 3DS series of portable game consoles was launched and the popular console is still very relevant today.

comparing the Game Boy to the 3DS case

Anyone who was at least a kid or teenager in the Nineties would have remembered owning a Nintendo Game Boy. That cream colored box with the purple and black buttons and the pea colored screen will hit the soft nostalgic spot of any gaming enthusiast. Fast forward 30 years to 2019 and you can see all kinds of Game Boy themed stuff like coffee mugs and phone cases celebrating the quaint little Tetris-playing handheld. That being said, let us now focus our attention to this carry case for the 3DS and 2DS game system.

nintendo 3ds carry case

On the outside, the case looks like a giant Game Boy, complete with working action buttons and D-pad. So as not to confuse you, when I say that the buttons work, I mean that you can actually press them down and that is all.

a side view of the nintendo 3ds carry case

The detail is quite on par with that of the real Game Boy, right down to the color and overall look and feel. The screen also has that familiar pea soup color as well.

The case can hold the 3DS XL game system snugly

On the inside the bay is large enough to snugly fit a Nintendo 3DS XL system, a 2DS XL system as well as the smaller 3DS. When the 3DS carry case is closed you can shake it vigorously and you can rest assured that your little video game investment does not rattle inside as it is very secure.

On the top inside of the case there are six cartridge bays for your favorite games.

There is room for up to six game cartridges.

In summary, if you are an avid collector of Game Boy memorabilia and you also own a 3DS or its big brother, the 3DS XL then this quaint little case is a must have. Speaking of “must haves” if you want to get one of these for yourself, or for a friend of yours who is a real retro gamer, then you can get these cases from Amazon here.

Want to learn more about this case? Then checkout my YouTube review video below and enjoy!

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